mercoledì 28 maggio 2008

rumore e scienza (link in inglese)

rumore e salute SILENCE, a research project funded by the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission. riduzione dei rumori da binario un'altra ricerca un libro da comprare all'Atac: (abstract) Curve squeal noise is noise generated in narrow curves only, producing a sound pressure level more than 10 dB(A) higher than normal rolling noise and which is dominated by pure tones. Squeal noise can occur when the wheel cannot take a position in the track channel with sufficient radius difference to allow the wheel set to roll freely through the curve. Operational requirements such as a minimum friction requirement have to be taken into account too by evaluating measures against squeal noise. Their weight depends on the operating scheme of the railway system. Squeal noise can be inhibited by measures at vehicle level as well as by way side measures. altra ricerca e questa e' la soluzione, se non bastasse allagare i binari

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